Job Description
The Land of Enchantment, where not all who wander are lost...
The Community - Chinle, AZ This opportunity is in Northern Arizona where Hope and Navajo Nations meet. If you like the outdoors and are fascinated by Native culture, this assignment is for you. You will be working five minutes from Canyon de Chelly, one of the largest, and most significant archaeological preserves in the U.S. And if you are not fascinated by the 5,000-year habitation history of the park, you will be stunned by its red rock formations and wooded red -floored canyons. Meanwhile you will be within driving distance of five other National Parks including the Grand Canyon. You won't want to miss the Hubble Trading Post where Navajo and Hope traded wool blanket for pesh-tai, tokens they could use to buy other goods. It is essentially unchanged since 1883. More importantly you will be alleviating the health care shortage in one of the most underserved regions in the U.S. Navajo and Hope are 5-6 times more likely to suffer from debilitating chronic health conditions due to poor living conditions and lack of access to care.
Explore the Canon de Chelly
Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (CCHCF) The Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility (CCHCF) is based in Chinle, Arizona (Northeast Arizona near Canyon De Chelly National Monument). The CCHCF is a 60-bed hospital which serves as the health care hub for the region. The medical staff includes Family Physicians, Internists, Pediatricians, General Surgeons, OB/GYN's, Anesthesiologists, and a Psychiatrist. In addition to routine outpatient and inpatient primary care, services available to our patients include Adult Intensive Care, General Surgery (including laparoscopic surgery), routine and operative Obstetrics, and 24-Hour Emergency Room Services. Health care services are provided to approximately 37,000 active users. Strong Navajo cultural traditions exist within the community, offering an opportunity to learn the Navajo language, or to learn about traditional Navajo medicine. The service unit is located on the Colorado Plateau with excellent opportunities for photography, hiking, running, road biking, cross country skiing, and mountain biking. Canyon de Chelly National Monument is within 5 miles of the hospital and is a wonderful place for exploring and sightseeing, running and mountain biking.
Facility Address: U.S. 191 & Hospital Drive, Chinle, AZ 86503
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES PA/NP will pro vide dia gnost ic , preventive , and therapeutic health service s to eligible patients and family memb e r s in the walk-in outpatient clinics or field clinic. The following list is not comprehensive: - Secure a health and development history from the patient or parent.
- Record findings and make critical evaluations.
- Personally perform or request specia l screening and de ve l o pmental te s t s.
- Order laboratory te sts and interpret the result s.
- Discriminate between normal and anconal findings.
- Mak e decisions with phy s ician s concerning the medical care need s of patient s.
- Provide direct medic a l care in the presence of illnes s or disabilit y in order to maintain life, provid e comfort, reduce di s tres s and enhance coping ability.
- Provide surve illance over medical practices applied to stabilize chronically ill persons.
- Adjust treatment within established stan din g o rder s recogni zi ng when to refer the patient to a physician or other health team member s.
- Work collaboratively with physicians in the management of selected complex medical problems.
- When clinically engaged with a medically complex patien t, present the case to the physician clinic consultant for th e da y for prop er treatment and disposition.
- Consult the clinic physician consultant or on-call hospitali st for patients assessed and deemed to require admission to the hospital.
- Participate with other health professionals and agencies inv olved in providing health care and services required to include immunization and disea se control, environmental health, and health education.
- Provide emerge nc y or crisis intervention in order to stabilize a patient for transport to a higher-level facilit y.
- Provide medical care and preventiv e services to h ea lth y individuals.
- Evaluate total health care needs of patients and de v elops plans to meet these need s.
- Required information for use in program operati o n, qu a lity control a nd ot her purposes (all medica l record information- generated in the performance of this contract will remain the property and subject to the exclusive co n tro l of the Indian Health Service).
- Participate in certain medi ca l s taff committee me e ting s as required.
- Comply with a ll Client facility infection control and safety procedure s, practices, and standards.
- Respect the basic rights of patients, to includ e bu t not b e limited to personal dignity.
QUALIFICATIONS - Must hold an active , current, and unrestrict ed (unflagged) state NP or PA lic ense from an y of the Fifty-(50) United States or the Commonw ea lth of Puerto Rico.
- Must have valid, current board certifications if applicable (PA must be NCCPA certified).
- Must have a valid, unrestricted DEA with schedules II- V.
- Cannot be under exclu sio n s or sa nct i on s from the Medicare / Medicaid programs.
- Must have received and will mainta in national certification i n Family Practice throughout th e duration of this contract' period of perf ormance.
KurzSolutions is committed to improving health outcomes by providing well-managed companies with the top healthcare
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Employer: |
Kurz Solutions
Post Date: |
Jan 13, 2025 |
Profession: |
Advanced Practitioner |
Job Type: |
NP |
Specialty: |
Family Practice |
Location: |
Nationwide |
Job Reference: |
23-00099 |
Contact Details: |
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